I've been working on a post for weeks, in spare minutes here and there. But I decided today, that the post didn't matter. All that matters is this: God is in complete control at all times, in all circumstances (which was basically what I had been writing about anyway, but for different circumstances).
So this is what happened. I was talking with Tyler on the phone as he drove to work (our morning ritual) when suddenly there was a loud noise and buttons on his phone started beeping. Then the call was ended. I assumed he had been in a wreck. After calling and texting several times with no reply, I began to get very worried.
Silence lasted for over an hour.
Phone calls to his dad and mine. Of course, being a girl meant I thinking the worst. What had happened to him?!
Finally, I got the word ,through the dads, that he had been in a car accident, but he was fine. Finally I could breath.
I prayed and prayed during that hour. I had to tell myself that God knew. God knew every detail of what was going on, even when I didn't, even before it happened.
I prayed and thanked God for His goodness. He was good, He is good, and always will be good.
We are commanded not to hold on to earthly things too tightly, but we can enjoy them while they are here, all the while, praising God for every moment with those we love.
Grace, I have had that moment in time. Everything went in slow motion and I hit my knees and prayed/screamed to God (like he couldn't hear me). He is faithful and love us. Even when it doesn't turn out well for us in the moment he is Faithful still.
Praising God with you!!
My computer is finally better, and I zoomed right over here to read your blog.
Praising God again for his protection and for the awareness that life is fragile, and we aren't garanteed tomorrow!
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