..Miss Gracie's Sweet Shoppe..
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Monday, November 5, 2007

Mexican Flan

I made flan (notice the link for the recipe!) on Sunday for a family get-together - we had a Mexican fiesta! Most members of our family are NOT custard people, so I was very surprised at how many liked it. I even liked it and I am included with those that usually can't stand it! I never thought flan looked all that appetizing either - another reason why I have stayed away from it. One comment I did get was that it tasted more French than Spanish because it was so rich and creamy. I wouldn't know -I never have had Creme' Caramel or Flan either here in the USA or abroad... bummer, I know! But I am really glad I tried it. Apart from the burnt sugar syrup it was incredibly EASY! The sugar syrup took me 3 tries before I finally just added extra water and then it was a great from there.

Mexican FLAN

1 comment:

Mrs. MK said...

yumm-o! (just kidding!)

What a lucky family you have!! They must suffer greatly under all your cooking experiments!